A Recipe for Anxiety

A Recipe for Anxiety In this post anxiety is explained with the metaphor of the Pot. Ingredients: Three steps for anxiety: What can we do Instead? Realistically in life, we cannot control the fire (external situations), but we can remove the lid, carefully letting the emotions vent, with curiosity and self-compassion look what is inside … Read more

Four Steps to overcome daily Anxiety

Remember anxiety is uncomfortable, but it is not dangerous – don’t be scared, instead try to be curious and take it as an opportunity to know yourself better.  These steps helped me to overcome anxiety. They work really well with generalised and mild anxiety. Note that panic attacks, social anxiety and phobias have a different approach. … Read more

Is it Anxiety or Stress?

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances (a stressor). It requires a cognitive, behavioural and psychological activation. Anxiety is a natural state and has helped the human species to survive -it helps protect us. However, when the danger is not real, and emotional activation … Read more